The Perfect Fit: Why having the right shoe fit is important!
How impossible can it be to find the right shoes! Varying sizes, different brands and styles, which should you choose? No two feet are...

DIY Ice Packs
It's surprisingly easy to make a homemade gel-pack when injuries arise. It only takes a few house hold items! Freeze a drink bottle One...

Healthy Competition
Competitions are a lot of fun and we want everyone to have an awesome day. From stress and nerves, to helpful tips, here is some advice...

Why our brain loves to dance
Our brain is made up of hundreds of millions of tiny cells called neurons. Their connections are what help us to think, feel and do...

Lasagna Cups
Who doesn't love pasta? These little lasagna cups by Fitness Food Diva are a healthy, mess-free, and super yummy alternative to making a...

Positive Dance Affirmations
Being healthy isn't just about your body, it also includes your mind. Many people find that learning to move their bodies can help...

Knee Pads: Preventing Injuries
Knees are the largest joint in the body. They are vital for any type of upright activity, such as walking, standing, and of course...

Taro Latte
What is this amazing purple drink? Made from Taro, this super delicious treat is a healthy and yummy alternative to other sugar-filled...

Sweet Potato Fries
Sweet potatoes are a healthy carb, that contains a bunch of Vitamin C. Inspired by the awesome Jamie Oliver, here is a super easy recipe...

Chewy Coconut Bars
As gluten free and/or vegan eating habits are becoming more common, we must begin to adapt our recipes. We love this recipe by Izy...